Isabel Ferreira

Academic Degree:
Professional Category:

Research group: LanCog


Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira is a Portuguese linguist and semiotician. Member and researcher of the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon- Language, Mind and Cognition Group- she is also a collaborator at the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.

The fundamental questions of the nature of meaning and cognition have always been at the core of her research work.  In 2011, she published “On Meaning: Individuation and Identity” where she defined the epistemological framework for her theoretical approach.

Her present research comprehends the analysis of semiotic phenomena relative to human and artificial cognition, namely the analysis of the nature and quality of human/robot interaction, the assessment of user-experience and the identification of the ethical issues emerging from the deployment of robots in society.

Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira has a Masters in Anglo-American Studies, a Masters in Linguistics and a Ph.D. in Linguistics (University of Lisbon). She also attended a course in Lexicology, Lexicography and Computational Linguistics at the University of Pisa, Italy and an Advanced Course in Artificial Intelligence by the University of Stanford.

She is a member of the editorial board of Biosemiotics- Springer and a reviewer of the International Journal of Social Robotics- Springer

Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira is member of the International Society for Biosemiotic Sudies , member of Associação Portuguesa de Linguística and member of the IEEE and of the CLAWAR Association

Selected Publications




Producing Artificial Intelligent Systems: The Role of Benchmarking, Standardisation and Certification. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1150. Springer, Cham. ( 5 June 2024)

Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligent Systems (2022) Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira and Osman Tokhi eds. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, vol 102. Springer, Cham.


Value Sharing Between Humans and Robots, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards. Seoul, South Korea, 18-19th July 2022  

The 21st Century Industrial Robot: When Tools Become Collaborators, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira and Sarah Fletcher editors. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering (ISCA Series) Springer Verlag (2021).

Life-World for Natural and Artificial Systems. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards. Troy, N.Y. 26.27 July, 2021. Edited by S. Bringsjord, M. O. Tokhi, M. Isabel A. Ferreira, N. S. Govindarajulu, M. F. Silva.

How Smart Is Your City? Technological Innovation, Ethics and Inclusiveness, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira (ed), Springer, Cham, 2020. ISBN:  978-3-030-56925-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-56926-6

Smart Living and Quality Health with Robots – Proceedings of the ICRES’2020 – 5th International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards, Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, Naveen Govindarajulu, Manuel Silva, Endre Kadar, Jen-Chieh Wang, Aman Kaur eds. Clawar  Association, 2020.

Robotics, AI and Ethics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards 2019, Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, eds. Clawar  Association Book Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.  ISBN: 978-1-9164490-1-5

Hybrid Worlds: Ethical and Societal Challenges- Proceedings of the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards 2018 – Selmer Bringsjord, Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira and Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu eds. Clawar  Association Book Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.  ISBN: 978-1-9164490-1-5

Ferreira, M.I.A., Sequeira, J. S., Gurvinder, V., Tokhi, O., Kadar, E., eds. (2019), Robotics and Well-Being, Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12524-0.

Ferreira, M.I.A, Sequeira, J.S., Ventura R., eds (2018) Cognitive Architectures. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering Series (ISCA). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-97550-4.

A World with Robots: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Robot Ethics. M.I.A Ferreira, J. Sequeira, Gurvinder Virk, Endre Kadar, Osman Tokhi eds. (2017) Springer International Publishing AG

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas. (2011). On Meaning: Individuation and identity- the definition of a world view. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. England. ISBN-10:1443829250



Chapters/Parts  of books

Ferreira, M.I.A. (2024). The Quest for an AI Ethics: Between Benevolence and Greed. In: Aldinhas Ferreira, M.I. (eds) Producing Artificial Intelligent Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1150. Springer, Cham.

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2022). Artificial Intelligence: A Concept Under-Construction, A Reality Under-Development. In: Ferreira, M.I.A., Tokhi, M.O. (eds) Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligent Systems. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, vol 102. Springer, Cham.


Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2022). In Machines We Trust?. In: Ferreira, M.I.A., Tokhi, M.O. (eds) Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligent Systems. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, vol 102. Springer, Cham.


Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2022)  Bridging the gap between natural and artificial intelligence: A biosemiotic contribution In: Amir  Biglari (ed) Open Semiotics.   L’Harmattan (Paris).  ( 525-540)


On Human Condition: The Status of Work (2021), in Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira and Sarah Fletcher eds. The 21st Century Industrial Robot: When Tools Become CollaboratorsIntelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering (ISCA Series) Springer Verlag


Ferreira, M.I.A (2020), The Smart City: The Exponent of a Civilization Transition in the Context of a Global Crisis. In How Smart is Your City? Technological Innovation, Ethics and Inclusiveness, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, ed., Springer, ISCA Series

Ferreira, M.I.A (2020), The Right to the City: The Right to Live with Dignity. In How Smart is Your City? Technological Innovation, Ethics and Inclusiveness, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, ed., Springer, ISCA Series

Ferreira, M.I.A (2020), Being Smart in the Context of a Crisis: Ethical Paradoxes. In How Smart is Your City? Technological Innovation, Ethics and Inclusiveness, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, ed., Springer, ISCA Series

Ferreira, M.I.A., Sequeira, al. (2019), A Motivational Case Study in Social Robotics. In Emotional Design in Human Robot Interaction: Theory, Methods and Application. Springer Verlag

Ferreira, M.I.A (2019), Revisiting the Concept of [WORK] in the Age of Autonomous Machines. In Hybrid Worlds: Ethical and Societal Challenges- Proceedings of the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards-ICRES 2018- Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute,Troy, NY . Clawar Association Book Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.  ISBN: 978-1-9164490-1-5

Ferreira, M.I.A (2019), When Children Navigate RPAS: Steps Towards Safe Recreation Drone Flying, in Robotics, AI and Ethics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards-ICRES 2019- London South Bank University. 29-30 July 2019, Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, eds. Clawar  Association Book Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.  ISBN: 978-1-9164490-1-5

Ferreira, M.I.A ( 2019), Robot Companions: A Technological Dream or a Human Nightmare, in Robotics, AI and Ethics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards-ICRES 2019- London South Bank University. 29-30 July 2019, Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, eds. Clawar  Association Book Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.  ISBN: 978-1-9164490-1-5

Ferreira, M.I.A. (2019), Techonological Development and Well-Being, in Ferreira, M.I.A., Sequeira, J. S., Gurvinder, V., Tokhi, O., Kadar, E., eds. (2019), Robotics and Well-Being, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-9.

Ferreira, M.I.A. (2019), The Concept of [Friendliness] in Robotics: Ethical Challenges. In Ferreira, M.I.A., Sequeira, J. S., Gurvinder, V., Tokhi, O., Kadar, E., eds. (2019), Robotics and Well-Being, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 89-98.

Ferreira, M.I.A. (2018), Cognitive Architectures: The Dialectics Agent/Environment. In Cognitive Architectures, Ferreira, M.I.A, Sequeira J.S. and Ventura R. eds. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering Series (ISCA). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-97550-

Ferreira, M.I.A., Sequeira, J.S. (2017), Robots in Ageing Societies, in A World with Robots, Ferreira, M.I.A. at al. eds. Springer International Publishing AG

Ventura, R. , Ferreira, M.I.A. (2017), Nós e Os Robots/Os Robots e Nós: Insights from an Exhibition, in A World with Robots, Ferreira, M.I.A. at al. eds. Springer International Publishing AG

Ferreira, M.I.A. (2015), Semiosis: The Dialectics of Cognition in International Handbook of Semiotics, Peter Trifonas ed. Springer Netherlands. ISBN-13: 978-9401794039. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9404-6

Ferreira, M.I.A.  (2015), The Street: the Ultimate Locus of Political Intervention in Modern Democracy” in International Handbook of Semiotics, Peter Trifonas ed. Springer Netherlands. ISBN-13: 978-9401794039. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9404-6

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2013), Cohesion and Sustainability inside Microcosms: The Role of Semiosis. In Microcosms: Ecology, Biological Implications and Environmental Impact. Nova Publishers. NY.U.S. ISBN: 978-1-62618-662-0

Library of Congress Control Number:2013935915

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2012) Individuation. in Donald Favereau, Paul Cobley and Kalevi Kull eds. A More Developed Sign: Interpreting the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer. Tartu University Press. ISBN 9789949199457

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2009). Signifying in Virtual Environment: a Biosemiotic Perspective. Proceedings of the Communication Sciences International Congress: Communication, Cognition and Media. Braga. Althea eds. Universidade Católica

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2001) Dicionário da Lingua Portuguesa Contemporânea. Academia das Ciências e Verbo eds. Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Lisboa (member of the team of lexicographers)


(Co)editions in Journals:

Special Issue of the International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems ” The Semiosis of Cognition: Insights from Natural and Artificial Systems“. Sequeira, J and Ferreira, I., eds. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS) Volume 3, Issue 2, July -December 2014. Published: Semi-Annually in Print and Electronically. ISSN: 2155-5028; EISSN: 2155-5036;  Published in April 2015 by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA


Papers in peer-reviewed journals:

Ferreira, M.I.A. The Semiosis of Cognition: a definition, in  The Semiosis of Cognition: Insights from Natural and Artificial Systems. Sequeira, J and Ferreira,I. eds. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS) Volume 3, Issue 2, July -December 2014. Published: Semi-Annually in Print and Electronically. ISSN: 2155-5028; EISSN: 2155-5036;  Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA

Ferreira, M.I.A., Sequeira, J. The concept of [robot] in children and teens: guidelines to the design of social robots, in The Semiosis of Cognition: Insights from Natural and Artificial Systems“. Sequeira, J and Ferreira,I. eds. International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS) Volume 3, Issue 2, July -December 2014. Published: Semi-Annually in Print and Electronically. ISSN: 2155-5028; EISSN: 2155-5036;  Published by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2014). Typical Cyclical Behavioural Patterns: the case of Routines, Rituals and Celebrations. Biosemiotics: Springer April 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 63-72. DOI: 10.1007/s12304-013-9186-4

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas, Caldas, M.G.(2013). The concept of Umwelt Overlap and its Application to Multi-Autonomous Systems. Biosemiotics: Volume 6, Issue 3 (2013), Page 497-514. Springer DOI: 10.1007/s12304-013-9185-5

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas, Caldas, M.G.(2013). Modelling Artificial Cognition in Biosemiotic Terms.  Biosemiotics. (August 2013), Volume 6, Number 2, pp. 245-252. Springer. ISSN 1875-1342. DOI 10.1007/s12304-012-9159-z

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2012). Interactive bodies: The semiosis of architectural forms- a case study. Biosemiotics: Volume 5, Issue 2 (2012), Page 269-289 (August 2012). ISSN 1875-1342. Springer.

Ferreira, Maria Isabel Aldinhas (2010). On Meaning: A Biosemiotic Approach. Biosemiotics: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2010), pages 107-130. Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s12304-009-9068-y ISSN 1875-1342,


Papers in national  journals

Ferreira, M.I.A.,(2010). Para uma ontologia dos objectos do real. Actas do XXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística.FLUL
Articles in recent Conference Proceedings:

Ferreira, I., Sequeira, J., (2016) Making Believe or Just Pretending: the Problem of Deception in Children/Robots Interaction. Workshop on Robot Ethics-Proceedings of the 19th CLAWAR Conference. London. UK. World Scientific Publishing

Ferreira, I., Sequeira, J., (2016) Designing a robotic interface for children: the MOnarCH robot. Workshop on Designing for Interaction in Social Robotics. Proceedings of the 19th CLAWAR Conference. London. UK. World Scientific Publishing

Sequeira, J., Ferreira, I., (2016) Lessons from the MOnarCH project.


Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). July 2016.  Lisbon

Ferreira, I., Sequeira, J., (2015) Assessing Children-Robot Interaction in a Pediatrics Hospital Ward: The MOnarCH Case. International Conference on Social Robots. First Workshop on Evaluating Child-Robot Interaction. International Conference on Social Robotics. Paris, 23-26 Oct 2015

Ferreira, M.I.A (2015) Robots in Ageing Societies: Some Ethical Concerns

International Conference on Robot Ethics- ICRE 2015. 23-24 October. Lisbon (não apresentei)

Ferreira, I., Sequeira, J., (2015) The Role of Robots in Active Ageing. 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems September 28 – October 03, 2015,Hamburg, Germany. Proceedings of the Workshop on “Bridging user needs to deployed applications of service robots”

 Ferreira, M.I.A.,Sequeira, J., (2015) Assessing Human Robot Interaction: the Role of Long-Run Experiments. Proceedings of the 18th CLAWAR Conference. Zhejiang University. Hangzhou. China. World Scientific Publishing

“Innovation award 2015: For practical innovation in the field of robotics”, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Ferreira, M.I.A.,Sequeira, J., (2014) When Children interact with robots: Ethics in the MOnarCH Project. Proceedings of the UKREA 2014 Workshop. Proceedongs of the 17th CLAWAR Conference. Poznan Technical University. Poznan. Poland. World Scientific Publishing

Ferreira, M.I.A.,(2010). Para uma ontologia dos objectos do real. Actas do XXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística.FLUL

Ferreira, M.I.A. (2009). Signifying in Virtual Environment: a Biosemiotic Perspective. Proceedings of the Communication Sciences International Congress: Communication, Cognition and Media. Braga. Althea eds. Universidade Católica
