
The Centre of Philosophy (CFUL) is a research unit of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. It now comprises three research groups: HPhil is focused on the history of philosophy, LanCog is mostly engaged in theoretical philosophy in the analytic tradition, and Praxis covers a wide range of issues in practical philosophy.


CFUL publishes four philosophy journals: Disputatio, Phainomenon  and Philosophica










III International Meeting of the Society for the European History of Ideas 

Racismo, sexismo e outras discriminações: recentes desenvolvimentos teóricos e jurídicos.

Professor Fernando rey Martínez (Universidad de Valladolid)

Masterclasse  11 e 12/05

Palestra 12/05 17h

Mais informação aqui

James O. Young, “The Myth of the Aesthetic” (05/05/2023, 10:00)

Everyone agrees that the concept of the aesthetic is imperfectly understood and yet philosophers continue to attempt to give an account of aesthetic experience and aesthetic properties. This paper argues that no coherent account of the aesthetic is available and that the concept of the aesthetic is not useful in understanding what is valuable about experience of works of art (and other objects). No satisfactory analysis of the concept of an aesthetic property or of aesthetic experience is available.

More information avilable here

IMAGEM: Seminário da Sociedade Ibérica de Filosofia Grega

No próximo dia 28 de Abril, realizar-se-á na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa o Seminário da Sociedade Ibérica de Filosofia Grega. O seminário é dedicado ao tema da “Imagem”. A conferência principal estará a cargo do Professor Doutor Tomás Calvo Martínez.

O programa do evento poderá ser consultado aqui.

Science:Between Literal and Metaphorical Meanings?

Champalimaud Foundation and University of Lisbon Joint Workshop

The workshop will consist of a keynote lecture by Graham Harman with participants and general public at Champalimaud Foundation on April 20, and of a full-day workshop with invited keynote and selected participants, on April 21, at the University of Lisbon

More information available here


Lançamento do livro “Kant. Pensador da Terra” de Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos

21 Abril, 2023, 17h30

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Anfiteatro III

Mais informação aqui
