Useful resources generated by CFUL projects
Obras Completas de Aristóteles: The Complete Works of Aristotle aims to make the entire Aristotelian collection available to the Portuguese reader. In the website, besides the plan of the edition, the following can be found: the publication schedule; the list of collaborators; and the complete text of all the published volumes (reserved for researchers, teachers, students, or exchanges with other institutions).
Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica:The Online Companion to Problems in Analytic Philosophy, an open access and dynamic volume written in Portuguese, consists of specialized essays on topics belonging to core areas of contemporary analytic philosophy (broadly conceived).
Experimentation and Dissidence: The research project organized four workshops, from which resulted four e-books: From Hamann to Kierkegaard; From Kierkegaard to Heidegger; From Heidegger to Badiou; and Questioning the oneness of philosophy.
Crise pandémique : qui suis-je dans ce nouveau monde ? FILO-LIS- BOA 2020 / Soraya Nour Sckell (coord.). – Lisbonne : CEDIS, 2020.
Philosophy and Landscape Architecture: e-book Atmosfera, Stimmung, Aura – Essays on the actuality of the concept of the Atmosphere in the interstices of philosophy, landscape and politics within the scope of Philosophy of Landscape.
Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy and Citizenship without borders: e-book Philosophy of Landscape. Think. Walk. Act. A landmark collection of essays on landscape offers a much-needed comprehensive exploration of an important dimension of our human environment.
Projecto Antropocénica: issue of the Journal DigitAR N.º 9 (2023): digitAR nº 9 (Centro de Estudos em Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património da Universidade de Coimbra), brings together the contributions from the first meeting of the international series of studies and transdisciplinary meetings Anthropocene, held in Portugal between 6 and 9 October 2022.
CFUL Journals
Disputatio is an international journal of philosophy in the analytic tradition. It is currently owned by the Philosophy Centre of the University of Lisbon and managed by the LanCog research group. The journal is a non-profit publishing venture. Since 2013, it has been published exclusively online, as a fully open access journal.
Philosophica Established in 1993, Philosophica is a peer-reviewed journal committed to providing a platform of diffusion and debate of philosophical culture. The journal is published twice a year, and contains scholarly essays, lectures, translations as well as book reviews.
Phainomenon is an international journal specialized in phenomenology, founded in 2000. Phainomenon seeks to contribute to the development of the phenomenological studies worldwide, stimulating original work in all fields of phenomenological research, as well cross linkings with other philosophical traditions and scientific research. Contributions are accepted following a double-blind peer review process with external reviewers.
Philosophy@Lisbon has the mission to cultivate the plurality of knowledge and methods put into practice in the modern philosophical world. On the other hand, it allows researchers from all parts of the world to publish essays, in many cases, written in their languages.
Useful Links for researchers
The PhD Program of the University of Cagliari is in partnership with the University of Lisbon. PhD students in Philosophy, Epistemology, Human Sciences will be able to draw on the events organized by the Center of Philosophy – University of Lisbon, and the students form the department of Philosophy of the Univesrity of Lisbon may attend the events organized by the Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia, Epistemologi a, Scienze Umane, of the Univesrità di Cagliari.
WI-PHI Wireless Philosophy Philosophical content for a broad audience, Wi-Phi translates expert knowledge into public philosophy, through a team of professional philosophers, experienced teachers, illustrators, animators, and leaders in online learning.
Philosophy Overdose Collection of Philosophy Videos (both Analytic Philosophy & Continental Philosophy): Epistemology, Logic, History of Philosophy, Consciousness, Science, Political Theory, Ethics, Ontology, Religion, History of Ideas, etc. Everything here is for the purpose of education and to promote philosophy. Nothing is monetized. The purpose is just to promote and spread good philosophy content.
Taylor&Francis Tips for writing and submitting papers
Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyFrom its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. .
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: founded in 1995 to provide open access to detailed, scholarly, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The Encyclopedia receives no funding, and it operates through the volunteer work of the editors, authors, volunteers, and technical advisers. The Encyclopedia is free of charge and available to all users of the Internet worldwide.
SEFA: Online encyclopedia of philosophical themes edited by the Spanish Society of Analytic Philosophy/ Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica (SEFA)
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. We also host the largest open access archive in philosophy
Philosophers’ Imprint is a refereed series of original papers. The Imprint was founded in the spirit of the Open Access movement, whose mission is to promote a future in which funds currently spent on journal subscriptions are redirected to the dissemination of scholarship for free, via the Internet.
Online Encyclopedia Philosophy of Nature. The OEPN’s aim is to provide high-quality information on, and explanations of, natural-philosophical terms and subject areas and to make these freely accessible (Open Access) in German and English
Philosophical Societies, Associations and Research Centres
The European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the philosophical study of emotions by providing a forum for exchanging views, so as to increase the interaction or collaboration among its members.
Fundada em 1977, a Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia (SPF) é uma instituição com interesses científicos e sem fins lucrativos, que visa fomentar o progresso dos estudos filosóficos, pugnando pela sua expansão, excelência, ensino e divulgação. Para este fim, a SPF realiza projectos de investigação, conferências, cursos livres e encontros de professores e investigadores; apoia publicações e edita obras de interesse para a comunidade filosófica.
The American Philosophical Association promotes the discipline and profession of philosophy, both within the academy and in the public arena. The APA supports the professional development of philosophers at all levels and works to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the value of philosophical inquiry.
The Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy is a research community based at the Institute for Philosophy of Leiden University, devoted to research in all areas of continental philosophy. The present members of the community work on Kant, post-Kantian German philosophy, 20th-21st century French philosophy and more generally the so-called continental philosophy in the areas of methodology, ontology, aesthetics, ethics, and political theory. They share an interest in German Idealism (especially Hegel and Schelling) and Nietzsche studies; they are committed to furthering the phenomenological tradition (especially Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Levinas); they study existentialism (especially Sartre, de Beauvoir, Kierkegaard and Unamuno); they follow the complex ramifications and confrontations of these traditions in German critical theory and French post-structuralism (for example Adorno, Foucault and Derrida). Their work is informed by radical immanent materialism (inspired by Deleuze and Guattari), as well as contemporary debates on ecology and technology.
Portale Italiano de Filosofia Analitica /Italian portal of Analytic Philosophy
The Centre for the Philosophy of Time (CPT) aims at advertising and promoting activities in the philosophy of time in Europe, by gathering professors, researchers and students in analytic philosophy who work on time-related subjects. The main goal of the CPT is to facilitate mutual collaboration in common projects and to foster the circulation of the results.
A Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (Anpof) foi fundada em 1983 durante uma reunião sobre pesquisa em Filosofia promovida pelo CNPq, em Brasília.