Luanda Francine

Academic Degree:
Professional Category:
PhD Student

Luanda Francine has a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and a Master’s degree in Social Psychology (CNPq Scholarship) from the Post-Graduated Studies Program in Social Psychology from the same institution (PUC-SP), where she elaborated the dissertation “Restos sob(re) restos: perspectivas psicanalíticas acerca da poluição e degradação de ambientes no capitalismo de consumo”. Researcher also in the area of psychoanalysis, she had part of her training at the Forum of Campo Lacaniano in São Paulo.
She is currently developing her PhD research at the CFUL (FCT Scholarship) on “Looking at the gaze of animals: an investigation into the recognition of animals as otherness based on the thought of Jacques Derrida”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Carlos João Correia (CFUL) and joint supervision of Prof. Dr. Sérgio Bairon (ECA-USP/Brazil) and Prof. Dr. Christian Dunker (IP-USP/Brazil).
She is a member of the Praxis Group of the Philosophy Centre of the University of Lisbon – CFUL and coordinator of the Research Group on Ethics and Animal Rights of Diversitas – Núcleo de Estudos das Diversidades, Intolerâncias e Conflitos (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo – FFLCH/USP), where she also co-coordinates the Animal Philosophy Reading Group, held in partnership with the CFUL.
The emphasis of her studies is mainly on the following axes: philosophy, psychoanalysis and society, nature and culture, subject and capitalism, anthropocentrism and speciesism.

Selected Publications

Garcia da Costa, Luanda Francine. “A linguagem da poluição: encobrimento e apropriação da Terra”. Peri 13 2 (2022): 145-158.

Garcia da Costa, Luanda Francine. “A criação de atmosferas proprietaristas e expulsivas pela aletosfera”. In Atas do Colóquio Internacional Atmosfera, Stimmung, Aura: nos interstícios da filosofia, paisagem e política, editado por Arthur Simôes Cabral; Dirk Michael Hennrich; Vladimir Bartalini, 21-33. Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2020.

Garcia da Costa, Luanda Francine. “O som do mundo é ruído: conflitos e derivas sonoras a partir do diálogo entre Michel Serres e José Miguel Wisnik”.
philosophy@LISBON 10 (2020): 119-131.

Garcia da Costa, Luanda Francine; Castro, Odilon da Silva. ““Rango é rango”: o animal subtraído no dispositivo cardápio”. Revista Diversitas 5 (2016): 72-97.
