Fabrizio Boscaglia

Universidade Lusófona/CFUL

Fernando Pessoa e a Filosofia Islâmica: Questões de Receção, Representação e Interpretação

4 February 2025, 17h00 (Lisbon Time — GMT+0)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



Nesta sessão, são abordados aspetos do pensamento e da obra de Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) relacionados com autores e questões da Filosofia e da Teologia Islâmicas. Ao considerar criticamente Pessoa enquanto poeta animado pela filosofia, e mais precisamente poeta e pensador, tal como ele se definiu em 1910 e 1933, esta abordagem baseia-se sobretudo (mas não só) no corpus de escritos filosóficos do autor. A partir da investigação no espólio e na biblioteca particular de Pessoa, tenta-se atender às seguintes questões: existem, na reflexão e na escrita filosófica de Pessoa, referências ao pensamento islâmico? Que autores e questões da filosofia islâmica foram abordados por Pessoa e de que forma? A partir de quais fontes, línguas e contextos culturais? Por que caminhos e para quais finalidades inerentes ao pensamento e à obra pessoana? Como ler estas referências no âmbito do pensamento filosófico contemporâneo em Portugal? Ao tentar responder, levantam-se uma série de questões específicas, relativas, tanto à receção do pensamento islâmico em Pessoa e na Europa, inclusivamente no que respeita à representação orientalista do mesmo, como inerentes à interpretação filosofante que Pessoa faz, em particular, das questões filosófico-religiosas de Deus, dos atributos divinos, do destino e do pluralismo religioso, entre outras.



Francisco Felizol


Entre rei sagrado e vítima microcósmica, bobo judicial e carrasco executivo: Os vértices antropológicos da soberania ante a ameaça populista

3 December 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Time — GMT+0)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



Em 1975, Foucault entronizava o soberano grotesco como um dos motores do poder. Esta ideia poderá ser melhor compreendida e fundamentada com o auxílio de uma antropologia que detecte as máscaras, sombras e misturas com que, nas sociedades humanas, o poder se costuma revestir. Nesta perspetiva, se, na esteira de Frazer, Hocart e Girard, as origens do poder político parecem remeter ao rei sagrado, também este é imediatamente remetível a outras figuras ou tipos. Sendo rei sagrado já de si potencial vítima (ou vítima adiada, e aí a sua proximidade com o homo sacer e o deuotus) com cariz microcósmico (o que acontece ao seu corpo acontece ao cosmos, ao reino), encontra-se na vizinhança antropológica do que tentaremos perceber como o bobo judicial (no âmbito do riso fertilizante e assassino, apontado, com a criança e o louco, à verdade tão violenta quão inocente) e o carrasco executivo (a também fertilizante execução mortal da de-cisão que o pode assegurar como soberano). Os tabus imobilizadores, a gravitas do rei (ou, hoje, do líder) fazem mais do que moderar os seus movimentos e decisões, sempre perigosos, mais do que conter nele o ambíguo sagrado antropológico (tão salvífico quanto violento): mantêm com ele, aquilo que tentaremos perceber como os outros três vértices da soberania, a vítima microcósmica, o bobo judicial e o carrasco executivo, a distância segura. Contudo, o progressivo colapso destas distâncias e interdições, liberta o sagrado que o rei, em sim deve conter; transborda-se para o palco, senão já para a rua, o trono, o altar, o circo e o patíbulo. Que tudo se acelera e precipita, mais as quatro figuras se aproximam esboçando a figura do soberano grotesco. Quando, desde os fundamentos do poder soberano, este caos sagrado emerge, assistimos a uma perigosa degradação do poder. À medida que, no lugar do poder, ante o avançar do espectáculo igualizado em que se torna a política, se assiste à queda de barreiras e limites, o soberano grotesco e os seus perigos parecem regressar, à direita e à esquerda, na forma do que usamos chamar de populismo. Talvez por esta via, se possa compreender melhor a atracção, aparentemente contemporânea, deste e do líder que lhe dá rosto.



Sjoerd van Tuinen

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Frogs in the Swamp: A Critique of Menno ter Braak and other Liberal Discourses on Ressentiment

5 November 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Time — GMT+0)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



As the post-2016 boom in the self-diagnostics of toxic liberalism shows, the concept of ressentiment is still one of today’s main ‘ideologemes’ (Jameson). It is an ideologeme because, while having a strong morally disqualifying power, it offers no way out of the political impasse it describes. Here I propose a critique of the 1937 essay by the Dutch writer Menno ter Braak, ‘National Socialism as a Doctrine of Rancor’ (translated and published for the first time in English in Theory, Culture & Society in 2019) as the basis for a wider critique of ‘pastoral’ discourses on ressentiment. First, I argue that ressentiment initially and primarily names a bourgeois phenomenon and problem, and as such is an articulation of what Rancière has aptly called a ‘hatred of democracy’: liberal democracy is held responsible for all social problems as it inherently summons forth a bad infinity of emancipatory struggle (‘fanaticism’, ‘utopism’) that must be disqualified. Second, I show how ressentiment functions as a label for bourgeois self-legitimation: in discerning ressentiment everywhere, a claim is made to good conscience on the basis of either a more rational or a more authentic relation to one’s own ressentiment. It is this esprit de sérieux that culminates in Ter Braak’s hypocritical statement that ‘one will have to begin, for example, by speaking less disparagingly about the “bunch of losers”, because one cannot overestimate the extent of the reservoir of latent rancour.’ Third, I will briefly touch upon ways in which other discourses on ressentiment – those of Nietzsche and of the diplomat as invoked by ter Braak at the outset of his essay – seek to overcome this seriousness and contrast these other discourses with a discourse that is at risk of deepening it – in particular that of Améry.




Gonçalo Marcelo

University of Coimbra

Hermeneutics as Critical Social Theory

29 October 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Time — GMT+0)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



In this talk I will briefly present the fertile intersection between the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics and the task of critical social theory, exploring the possibility of using hermeneutics as a method for social theory. Coming back to Paul Ricœur’s definition of “critical hermeneutics” (in “Hermeneutics and the Critique of Ideology”, 1973) as reconciling a reinterpretation of cultural heritages with an interest in emancipation, I will attempt to demonstrate how it is precisely in a hermeneutical vein that much of the most fertile and philosophically informed critical social theory of the last decades has been put forward, drawing on examples from Ricœur, Michael Walzer, Charles Taylor, Axel Honneth and Hartmut Rosa. Through its emphasis on traits such as: 1) the first-person perspective; 2) interpretation and the symbolic fabric of social imaginaries; and 3) its connection with selfhood through self-interpretation hermeneutics will thus appear, or so I will argue, as a way to both make sense of the social and push for meaningful social transformation.



Adrian Razvan Sandru

MainenLab – Champalimaud Foundation

Re-presenting the Familiar – The Cognitive and Moral Role of Art in Kant’s Aesthetic Theory

22 October 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



Starting from Kant’s statement from his anthropology lectures that “the role of the artist is to present the familiar (das Gewöhnliche) in such a way that it stands out” I will try to reconstruct the role of art in Kantian aesthetic philosophy. I will argue in 4 steps: 1) to present the familiar as standing out means for Kant to present the familiar in such a way that the habitual application of concepts is questioned; 2) the experience of an uncertainty in the application of concepts is treated in the first instance by the subject as displeasure which leads the subject to enter into a reflective process aimed at resolving the cognitive conflict; 3) if the reflective process indicates a possible integration of the new perspective on the familiar it will lead to the experience of pleasure; 4) pleasure will finally open the space for two possible experiences: a) awe at the aesthetic ideas presented by the artwork in question and experienced as a feeling of the possibility of the supersensible and b) reflective awareness of the habitual nature of the subject as well as the possibility of reconstructing this nature into a second moral nature.



Francesco Biagi


Henri Lefebvre: “Teoria” e “Praxis” para a Renovação do Marxismo

11 June 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



Henri Lefebvre (Hagetmau 1901 – Navarrenx 1991) foi um filósofo e sociólogo marxista que viveu intensamente todo o “breve século XX”. A Revolução Russa irrompeu quando o autor tinha quase dezoito anos, e ele morreu aos 90 anos, dois anos após a queda do Muro de Berlim e alguns meses antes da implosão da União Soviética. A receção portuguesa e internacional de Lefebvre tem sido inadequada e parcial, esquecendo-se frequentemente que o autor é um dos expoentes mais brilhantes, ainda que periféricos, do marxismo francês do século XX. De facto, Lefebvre inaugurou um novo tipo de filosofia, seguindo os passos de Marx e Engels, capaz de se desenvolver simultaneamente no plano teórico e prático: o marxismo deve ser uma “teoria” que ajude a compreender e a transformar a “práxis”. Esta é a perspetiva que lhe permite compreender e analisar as transformações da sociedade, desde a questão espacial, passando pela vida quotidiana, até uma teoria geral da política que abarca toda a análise da modernidade capitalista. A questão rural e a questão urbana tornam-se o “laboratório social” privilegiado para observar as evoluções do capitalismo e dar um novo impulso à tradição marxista, contra a ortodoxia dogmática propagada pelo estalinismo. Se, por um lado, Lefebvre contribuiu para revitalizar os instrumentos de investigação da crítica marxiana, por outro lado, a amplitude dos seus interesses não permitiu um reconhecimento adequado da sua contribuição original em comparação com outras figuras como Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Althusser ou Guy Debord. A minha intervenção, após apresentar a biografia intelectual do autor, centrar-se-á em explicar como os estudos rurais e urbanos de Lefebvre são o instrumento através do qual o autor revitaliza e dá um novo significado ao pensamento marxista.



Arvi Särkelä

ETH Zürich

Life behind a Glass: Alienation and Disclosure in Wittgenstein and Pessoa

4 June 2023, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



Wittgenstein once quipped that philosophy should be written like poetry. Does he himself follow this imperative? Given that he describes his aim in philosophy as “show[ing] the fly a way out of the fly-bottle” (PI, §309), that is, as a method of “showing” rather than “saying” (TLP, 4.1212), one may hypothesize that he perhaps did. When Wittgenstein in the Philosophical Investigations recounts the experience of captivity in the fly-bottle, he sometimes dissociates by writing about “the author of the Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus.” Now, the author of TLP is obviously the same empirical and juridical person as the author of PI, Ludwig Wittgenstein, born on 26 April 1889, in Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire. But if we, at least for the sake of experiment, take this person’s quip about writing philosophy like poetry seriously, then the author writing the PI and “the author of the Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus” can be read as different characters. The Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, who was born only one year before Wittgenstein, explored intensely this poetic method of self-othering. During his brief life, he produced more than seventy such poetic characters. To emphasize the authorial status of these characters, their independent intellectual life and unique perspective, he did not call them pseudonyms but heteronyms. One of the most famous of these heteronyms is Álvaro de Campos. He was born one year after Wittgenstein. Like Wittgenstein, he studied engineering in Great Britain and wanted to become a philosopher. Unlike Wittgenstein he failed, and instead, mirroring Wittgenstein’s quip, tried to write poetry like philosophy.

In the poem “Tabacaria” (The Tobacconist’s Shop, 1928), Pessoa stages Campos behind a window looking across a Lisbon street at the Tobacconist’s on the opposite side. Like “the author of the Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus,” Campos experiences an existential captivity behind a glass: a state of seeing everything with “absolute clarity” yet unable to get at life, to touch, smell, manipulate the things. Towards the end of the poem, he says to himself, in a language reminiscent of the turn Wittgenstein would take one year after Tabacaria, that “metaphysics is a consequence of feeling sick.” This talk will be devoted to a comparative reading of the poetic method of heteronym and the poetic topos of a life behind a glass in Pessoa’s Tabacaria and Wittgenstein’s PI. The hypothesis is that Wittgenstein and Pessoa use similar yet different poetic methods that, however, appear as philosophically significant. And they do this in an attempt to alienate themselves in order to alienate the reader from an alienating form of life.



Dirk Quadflieg

Leipzig University

Social Totality and Immanent Critique

28 May 2023, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



For various reasons, the concept of social totality appears to be outdated today. On the one hand, many social theories have convincingly demonstrated that modern Western societies have differentiated themselves into numerous more or less autonomous subsystems that cannot be subsumed under a single law of reproduction such as that of the economy. On the other hand, the concept of totality nowadays is so strongly associated with totalitarianism that it seems to be normatively overdetermined as a sociological description. Speaking of a social totality is therefore often equated with the assertion that the society under consideration is governed in a totalitarian manner. Despite these plausible objections, I would like to argue that a critical social theory should not only insist on a certain concept of social totality, but must inevitably do so. The main reason for this lies in the widely shared assumption that, especially under postcolonial conditions, we cannot analyze the societies we are living in other than immanently, because any universal norm that could serve as a transcending standard can rightly be questioned as historically and geographically particular. Starting from more general reflections on what immanent critique means, the paper goes back to Hegel to show how the concept of immanence is connected with that of reality as totality. Against this background, I would like to argue that Marx’s Grundrisse could provide us with a version of social totality that does not amount to economic reductionism, but rather allows to understand social totality as a historically highly ambivalent achievement of bourgeois society making both possible: a revolution of society as a whole and a total delusion, as Adorno claimed.



Alexander Neumann

University of Paris 8

Pegasus at the Beach. The Association of Empirical Research and Critical Concepts

21 May 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



I intend to discuss the situation of the Frankfurt Critical Theory today, one century after the foundation of the famous Institute, in 1923. In particular, I would like to examine the dialectical relationship between experiences and concepts (such as empirical research and conceptual findings) which defines the very meaning of Critical Theory. Various concepts have emerged from this process, such as : unreglemetierte Erfahrung, Kulturindustrie, Gegenöffentlichkeit (unregulated experiences, Culture Industry, the oppositional public sphere). This kind of approach – connecting experiences and concepts under the leitmotiv Arbeit am Begriff – might be resumed througout the title: “Pegasus at the beach. The association of empirical research and critical concepts”.



Roberto Navarrete Alonso

Complutense University of Madrid

Hacia la crítica mesiánica de la teología política. Desencantamiento del mundo y soberanía en Walter Benjamin

7 May 2024, 17h00 (Lisbon Summer Time — GMT+1)

Sala Mattos Romão (Room C201.J – Department of Philosophy)

School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon



Al menos desde los albores de la República de Weimar y hasta el trágico final de sus días, Benjamin manifestó una especial sensibilidad por las relaciones entre “lo profano” y “lo mesiánico”. El peculiar modo en que comprendió este vínculo le llevó a formular una crítica mesiánica de la teología política que, por motivos obvios, se suele comprender en contraposición al concepto schmittiano de soberanía. La aproximación al pensamiento teológico-político de Benjamin que proponemos, sin embargo, partirá de la crítica del joven Marx al fundamento religioso del Estado hegeliano a fin de contextualizar la crítica benjaminiana de la violencia, interpretada (junto a Kapitalismus als Religion) como una respuesta a la tesis de Weber sobre el desencantamiento del mundo. Una lectura atenta del párrafo final de Zur Kritik der Gewalt, junto con algunas claves del Theologisch-politisches Fragment, permitirá establecer una vinculación entre ambos escritos y las tesis Über den Begriff der Geschichte que, a su vez, enriquece la habitual consideración de la relación Benjamin-Schmitt como una armonía de opuestos. Finalmente, se mostrará que en el ensayo sobre la violencia se encuentra una incipiente comprensión de la relación entre cultura y barbarie que Horkheimer y Adorno interpretaron como dialéctica de la Ilustración.