Pedro Alves
Academic Degree:
PhDProfessional Category:
Associate Professor with tenure Research Group: HPhil
Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon. Reearcher of the Center of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon. Ex-president (2002-2012) of the Portuguese Society of Phenomenological Philosophy. Editor of Phainomenon – A Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy. (
Selected Publications
– Os Princípios da Filosofia de Descartes (Lisbon, 2006)
– Subjectividade e Tempo na Fenomenologia de Husserl (Lisbon, 2010)
– Studia Kantiana. Interpretação e Crítica (Lisbon, 2012)
– Fenomenologia da Comunicação (Lisbon, 2013)
– Fenomenología del Tiempo y de la Percepcíon (Madrid, 2014).