Francesco Campagnola

Research Group: HPhil
With a background in early modern European philosophy and intellectual history, Francesco works on the history of Japanese modern and contemporary political thought. During the last few years, he has been exploring how the Renaissance and its political tradition have been interpreted and symbolically used in Japan. On this topic he has published in different journals (see below) and is currently finishing a monograph, after a stay at Kyoto University with a grant from the Japan Foundation.
Francesco is the awardee of numerous fellowships from different international institutions, (Marie Curie, JSPS, FWO, etc.) and the recipient of grants from Fulbright, FWO, CWO, etc. As a PhD student and as a postdoctoral researcher, he has studied and conducted research in universities and research centres from different countries, such as Sorbonne EPHE, University College London (Warburg Institute), Trinity College Dublin, Kyoto University, and Ghent University. He has been invited to lecture in institutions all over the world, such as UNC Chapel Hill, University of Toronto, University of Tokyo, University of Strasbourg, University of Düsseldorf, and Sungkyunkwan University Seoul.
At University of Lisbon, Francesco’s research focuses on the formation of a discourse on Realpolitik in modern Japan (1868-1968) as it appears through the lens of the reception, translation and appropriation of Niccolò Machiavelli.
Selected Publications
- Francesco Campagnola, Li Man (Edited by), with an introduction by Wang Hui, “Paradigms of Change in Modernising Asia”, in: «Global Intellectual History» I, 3 (2017) (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal). My introductory essay, pp. 213-215
- Shimizu Ikutaro as a global ultranationalist thinker: on tenko and Giambattista Vico”. Global Intellectual History (2020): 1-21.
- 『明治日本におけるマキアヴェッ リ、歴史、国家(Machiavelli, History and the State in Meiji Period Japan)』, in: «Diaphanes», IV, 1 (2019), pp. 1-17
- Whose Renaissance? Changing Paradigms of Rebirth in Interwar Japan, in: «Global Intellectual History» I, 3 (2017), special Issue “Paradigms of Change in Modernising Asia” (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal) pp. 241-260
- Crisis and Renaissance in Post-war Japan, in: «Modern Intellectual History», DOI 2016 (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 1-25; Under translation in Japanese: Ishiguro Morihisa (Transl), 「戦後日本における危機とルネサンス」, in: 『歴史言語文化学系論集 史学・考古学編』, 2019
- Analogia, metafora e cecità nei secoli XVII e XVIII (Analogy, Metaphor and Blindness in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century), in: «Archivio di Filosofia» LXXXVI:3, 2016, special issue: “L’analogie se dit de plusieurs façons. Un problème d’histoire de la métaphysique, entre termes et concepts”, pp. 167-176
- Japan in Early Modern Scholarly Journals 1665—1750, in: «History of European Ideas», XLI:08, 2015 DOI 10.1080/01916599.2015.1059593 (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 1029-1048
- 『「文芸共和国」の分断──学問の共同体における制度と個人の関係(The Republic of Letters Breaking up. Institutions and Personal Relationships in the Community of Knowledge)』, in: «Diaphanes», I, 1 (2014), 51-68
- (with Fiorella Bucci) The Shifting Place of Madness in Modernizing Japan. An Interview with Kazushige Shingu, in: «Rivista di psicologia clinica/Review of Clinical Psychology» 1 (2014), pp. 109-139
- Un Rinascimento giapponese. Hayashi Tatsuo e la forma trascendentale di una nuova vita (A Japanese Renaissance. Hayashi Tatsuo and the Trascendental Form of a New Life), in: «Bruniana e Campanelliana», XX, 1 (2014) (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 199-208
- 『自己、社会、そして神に反して──哲学・法学・文学に見る一八世紀イタリアの自殺論 (Against Oneself, Society, and God. Theories on Suicide in Eighteenth Century Italy’s Philosophy, Jurisprudence and Literature) 』, in: «Gendai Shisō (現代思想)» XLI, 7 (2013), 226-237
- A Century of Bruno Studies in Japan, in: «Bruniana e Campanelliana», XVIII, 2 (2012) (ISI Thomson- Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 507-518
- (with Okamoto Genta) Ritratti critici di contemporanei: Shimizu Jun’ichi (Critical portraits of contemporaries: Shimizu Jun’ichi), in: «Belfagor. Rassegna di varia umanità», LXVI, 5 (2011) (ISI Thomson- Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 61-78
- Breve historia de la recepción de Vico en Japón (A Short History of Vico’s Reception in Japan), in: «Cuadernos sobre Vico», XXIII-XXIV, 2009-2010, pp. 33-41
- At the Outskirts of Modernity. A Brief History of Giambattista Vico’s reception in Japan, in: «Intellectual History Review», XVI, 1 (2010) DOI: 10.1080/17496977.2010.11417801, pp. 179-190
- Vico e l’Oriente (Vico and the Orient), in «Belfagor. Rassegna di varia umanità », LXVI, 1 (2011) (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 109-112
- Note sulla fortuna di Giambattista Vico in Giappone (On Giambattista Vico’s fortune in Japan), in: «Belfagor. Rassegna di varia umanità» LXII, 5 (2007) (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), pp. 585-591
- George Berkeley e la teoria dell’Analogia divina (George Berkeley on Divine Analogy), in: «Nouvelles de la République des lettres» 2006, XXV, 2 (2006), pp. 25-76
- Peter Browne critico di John Toland (Peter Browne as John Toland’s Critic), in: «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres» XXIV, 1 (2005), pp. 37-53
- Renaissance, Humanism and Myths of Regeneration in Modern Japan: 1868–1968 (Forthcoming)
- Teorie dell’analogia tra Irlanda e Inghilterra nel secolo XVIII. La fine dell’unità della ragione (Theories of Analogy in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century England and Ireland. The End of the Unity of Reason), Olschki, Firenze 2012, pp. i-lxvii, 1-192
- Okamoto G., 『ショルターノ・フルーノの哲学──生の多様性へ』(The Philosophy of Giordano Bruno. Towards a Plurality of Life), in: «Bruniana & Campanelliana», XIX, 2 (2013) (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), 551-552
- D. Armando, F. Masini, M. Sanna, Vico e l’Oriente, in: «Cuadernos sobre Vico» XXIII-XXIV, 2009- 2010, 389
- Uemura T. , 『無調のアンサンフル』(Atonal Ensemble) in: «Bollettino del centro degli studi vichiani», XXXIX, 2 (2009), 139-140
- C. Shaftesbury, Scritti morali e politici (Moral and Political Works), in: «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres» XXVII, 2 (2008)
- R. Descartes, Tutte le lettere. 1619-1650 (All the Letters 1619-1650), in «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres» XXVII, 1 (2008)
- F. Soave, Epistolario (Epistolary), in: «Alvearium», I, 1 (2007), 107
- C. Giuntini, B. Lotti , Scienza e teologia fra Seicento e Ottocento, in: «Nouvelles de la République des lettres» XXVI, 1 (2007), 246-250
- A. Zanconato, La dispute du fatalisme en France. 1730-1760, in: «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres» XXIV, 1 (2005), 152-158
- N. Badaloni, Laici credenti all’alba del moderno. La linea Herbert-Vico, in: «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres» XXIV, 1 (2005), 146-152
- Machiavelli in Giappone (Machiavelli in Japan), in: Enciclopedia Machiavelliana (ed. by Gennaro Sasso), Enciclopedia Nazionale Treccani, 2015
- Giambattista Vico e l’enigma dell’uomo moderno nella cultura del Giappone contemporaneo (Giambattista Vico and the Enigma of the Modern Human Being in Contemporary Japan’s Culture), in: Uemura Tadao, Vico: all’origine del sapere, Aracne, Roma 2018, 157-180
- Geografia e corruzione nella Repubblica delle Lettere (Geography and Corruption in the Republic of Letters), in: Sapientia Veterum. Studi di Storia della Filosofia Dedicati a Marta Fattori, Olschki, Firenze 2017, 61-71
- Filling the Gaps: Japan in Early Modern Knowledge, in: Ozaki Akihiro, Fongaro, Enrico (Ed.), How to Learn: Nippon/Japan as Object, Nippon/Japan as Method, Mimesis International, 2017, 109-124
- Vedere il colore nella prima modernità: tra filosofia e arte (Seeing Color in Early Modernity: between Philosophy and the Arts), in: Giuseppe Patella (Ed.), Eyes and Gazes in Philosophy and Arts, UniversItalia, Roma 2016, 191-206
- Okamoto G., Affetto e tempo in Giordano Bruno, in: «Bruniana e Campanelliana», XVIII, 2 (2012) (ISI Thomson-Reuters Indexed Journal), 537-548
- F. Masini, M. Sanna, D. Armando (Ed.), Vico and the Orient. China, Japan and Korea, Tielle Media, Roma 2008
- R. Descartes, Tutte le lettere 1619-1650 (All the Letters 1619-1650)(Ed. by Giulia Belgioioso), Bompiani, Milano 2005. (The book has been awarded the “Prix italique”, 10 march 2006)