Daniel Durante

Academic Degree:
Professional Category:
Associate Professor

Research group: LanCog
I am associate professor at the Department of Philosophy of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Natal, Brazil. I have a Ph.D. in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), and a degree in Computer Engineering from the same institution. I was visiting scholar for one year at the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon. I work mainly in the areas of Philosophy of Logic, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Science and Technology. I participate in two postgraduate programs in Philosophy: PPGFIL (master and doctorate), and PIDFIL (doctorate), and also in the program on Development and Environment PRODEMA (master).

Selected Publications

Durante, Daniel. 2017. Tão Inútil quanto a felicidade: reflexões filosóficas imprestáveis. Natal: Fuzzue.
Durante, Daniel. 2016. Termos Singulares Indefinidos: Frege, Russel e a tradição matemática. Saberes, n.esp. 33-53.
Durante, Daniel. 2014. Compromisso Ontológico. In: Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
Durante, Daniel. 2014. Por que as revoluções científicas não destroem os objetos técnicos? In: Carvalho, M. E Figueiredo, V. Filosofia Contemporânea: lógica, linguagem e ciência. São Paulo: ANPOF.
Durante, Daniel. 2011. Logic is Metaphysics. Principia 15(1) 31-42.