Raimundo Henriques
Research group: LanCog
Raimundo Henriques, holds a BA (2012) and an MA (2016) in Philosophy, as well as a PhD in Literary Theory (2022). His PhD thesis focuses on the relation between Wittgenstein’s early philosophy and his architecture. At the moment, he is working as a software developer at SINE foundation. His main interests are the history of 20th century analytic philosophy, philosophy and theory of architecture, aesthetics and literature.
Selected Publications
Henriques, Raimundo, 2021, “The Tractatus as “an Exercise in Kierkegaardian Irony”,” Teorema, Vol. XL/2, pp. 169-182, URL = https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=7871319
Henriques, Raimundo, 2020, “Filosofia da Arquitectura” in Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica, 2ª ed., Ricardo Santos e Pedro Galvão (ed.s), DOI: https://doi.org/10.51427/cfi.2021.0042