New Perspectives on the Objects and Grounds of Structural Rules
New Perspectives on the Objects and Grounds of Structural Rules
June 15th–16th 2023, 10:00–18:30
University of Lisbon
Faculty of Letters, Room B112.B
Showing that a conclusion is a logical consequence of some premises typically requires two distinct kinds of rules. To wit, it requires operational rules, which codify the behaviour of the logical operations (negation, conjunction, universal quantification etc.). But it also requires structural rules, which govern instead the ways in which the premises and conclusions of an argument are structured, independently of the logical operations which appear in them (an example is the structural rule of commutativity, which states, roughly, that the order of the premises or conclusions does not matter). On the basis of this distinction, it is possible to characterise uniformly a multitude of non-classical logics that have in effect in common the feature of denying some structural rules of classical logic (but that may actually agree with classical logic concerning instead its basic operational rules). These logics are nowadays known as “substructural logics”: logics that are weaker than classical logic in that they deny at least one of its structural rules. Substructural logics have had important philosophical applications in several areas (logical pluralism, rivalry between logics, paradoxes etc.). In these applications, structural rules are typically understood from the standpoint of what may well be called the “orthodox interpretation”, according to which they codify properties of the relation of logical consequence and such properties are fundamental with respect to the logical operations. The workshop will discuss this orthodox interpretation and, more generally, will examine the conceptual foundations of substructural logics and their philosophical applications.
June 15th
10:00–11:30: Sara Negri (University of Genoa), ‘Avoiding Structural Rules in Sequent Calculus since Gentzen’
coffee break
12:00–13:30: Pedro del Valle-Inclan (SNS of Pisa), ‘Structural Rules and the Meaning of Logical Connectives’
15:00–16:30: Elia Zardini (Complutense University of Madrid), ‘Paradox and Substructurality’
coffee break
17:00–18:30: Lucas Rosenblatt (University of Buenos Aires), ‘Shameless Classicality’
aperitif and dinner
June 16th
10:00–11:30: Sérgio Marcelino (Institute of Telecommunications), ‘On the Modularity of Logical Calculi’
coffee break
12:00–13:30: Bruno Jacinto (University of Lisbon), ‘Transitive vs Nontransitive Approaches to the Sorites’
15:00–16:30: Bogdan Dicher (University of Lisbon), ‘Two ST Conditionals?’
coffee break
17:00–18:30: Eduardo Barrio (University of Buenos Aires), ‘Conditionals without Transitivity’
aperitif and dinner
The workshop is organised by Elia Zardini and Bogdan Dicher and funded by the FCT Project New Perspectives on the Objects and Grounds of Structural Rules. There are no registration fees, but if you would like to attend please let Elia Zardini know at