Atmosfera, Stimmung, Aura
Vladimir Bartalini, Arthur Simões Caetano Cabral, Dirk Michael Hennrich (eds)
Philosophy of Landscape
Series: Philosophy of Landscape
ISBN/ISNN: 978-989-8553-51-5
Format: e-book
Number of pages: 142
Edition date: 2020
Philosophy of Landscape
Ebook Atmosfera, Stimmung Aura with a short introduction by Gernot Böhme.
Essays on the actuality of the concept of the Atmosphere in the interstices of philosophy, landscape and politics within the scope of Philosophy of Landscape.
The book is a co-edition between the Centre of Philosophy (CFUL) and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP).
Series: Philosophy of Landscape
ISBN/ISNN: 978-989-8553-51-5
Format: e-book
Number of pages: 142
Edition date: 2020